
Divorce Mediation – Is Divorce Mediation the Answer For You?

Divorce Mediation is a common part of the divorce process in New York. Divorce Mediation in New York allows parties to meet and discuss issues in a neutral setting, with the objective of reaching an agreement in terms that both parties can agree upon. If you are in the midst of a divorce, or have just finalized a divorce, you may be interested in exploring the possibility of amicable divorce mediators in New York.

Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation in New York involves several unique factors that distinguish it from other areas of the state. The typical urn or cremation container used for cremation services in the rest of the state is not required in New York. In New York, cremation containers must be approved by the state’s Department of Health. Also, in New York City, any parties wishing to use the family courts can do so through the New York County Court System, which is administered by the county itself.

As you consider using a divorce mediation service in New York, there are several factors to take into consideration. For example, in most cases, the cost of the service is not part of the initial divorce settlement. Therefore, you will want to make sure you have considered the total cost of divorce mediators before making your decision. On the other hand, if the litigation is expected to last several years, the actual costs of hiring a New York divorce mediator can begin to mount immediately. Therefore, you will want to budget for this possibility as well.

One reason why couples choose to seek the assistance of a New York divorce mediation rather than filing a traditional divorce proceeding is that they are often better served by the process. If you and your spouse can agree on the major issues, such as the children and alimony payments, there is little need for the mediation process to continue. However, if one of you wants more input or a chance to present your case before a judge, then going to court may be the better option. Mediation allows both spouses to reach a common agreement before going to trial, while a judge can still make a final ruling.

However, the benefits of mediation do not stop there. In addition to saving money, divorce mediation allows you and your spouse to form an open communication at a time when your finances might be a bit strained. Often, attorneys and their spouses struggle to meet their financial obligations during the course of a divorce proceeding, especially if one spouse has an income that comes primarily from working. Through a mediated settlement, both attorneys and their clients are able to establish an open line of communication, which allows each party to feel heard rather than belittled.

Another benefit to divorce mediation is that it helps you remain comfortable with the other person. Sometimes people fight to the ends of the spectrum and are uncomfortable with their spouse, which prevents them from being open and honest in the process. A divorce mediator is able to help you build a strong relationship with your spouse, so you have no reason to be uncomfortable in their presence. Instead, you and your spouse are able to openly discuss your feelings and come to solutions that work best for each of you.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of divorce mediation is that you can avoid a lengthy litigation process. Typically, both parties are able to come up with a reasonable agreement without the assistance of an attorney, and then it is time for the case to go to trial. For many people, this means a lengthy two-year litigation process, which can cost thousands of dollars, not to mention the thousands of hours it takes to prepare for a trial. Through a divorce mediation, both parties are able to come up with an agreement and then sign it, saving you both time and money. This results in a quick, inexpensive resolution to your problem.

If you’re involved in a marriage that has come to an end, you may want to consider trying out a New York divorce mediation instead of trying to go it alone. Even if you’re not happy with the result, you can always go back to your attorney, or perhaps even try out a different New York divorce lawyer. However, since divorces are such costly things, why not see if there’s anything you can do on your own? There’s no reason to spend hundreds of dollars on an attorney when you can achieve the same result with much less effort. Divorce mediation is quick, relatively painless, and can save you thousands of dollars, so don’t hesitate to give it a shot!
