Month: November 2022

Divorce Mediation

Using divorce mediation to resolve issues in a divorce can be a great way to get through the process without adding to the stress and emotional burden that goes along with a divorce. It can help you and your spouse to work out a parenting schedule that works for both of you and is easy to maintain.

It can reduce the stress of a divorce

Having a mediator present during a divorce can be a great way to reduce the

Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation involves two parties meeting to work out their differences and reach an agreement. The process is confidential, and both spouses do not disclose personal information. However, factual information discussed during mediation may be shared with the couple’s attorneys. After selecting a mediator, the spouses will meet several times with the mediator, each meeting having a specific agenda.

The mediator will help both parties analyze their situations and understand each other’s needs. It will also help ease the bitterness