Month: February 2023

Divorce mediation is a cost-effective and faster alternative to litigation in court. Through mediation, couples can reach resolution of their divorce matters without the stress or expense of going to court.

Mediation can often be completed within two sessions. However, more intricate issues such as alimony, child custody and property distribution may necessitate multiple meetings for resolution.

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Divorce mediation is a great option for couples to settle their disputes without going to court, saving them both

Divorce Mediation

If you are divorcing and want to avoid the stress and expense of a costly court battle, mediation may be the right option for you. It has a number of advantages that make it the best alternative to litigation for many couples.

Mediation is a process where spouses work with a neutral third party to negotiate a settlement that best meets their needs. During the process, they must communicate openly and respectfully.

It’s Faster

Divorce Mediation is a much faster