Author: Megan Mason

affordable divorce

Tips to Finding an Affordable Divorce Lawyer

Are you one of those couples in which a divorce is decided on badly and one wants an affordable divorce? Well, your luck may change in the next few minutes as I am about to tell you something that will help you get that affordable divorce. What I am talking about is negotiating for an amicable divorce settlement. This means that instead of using the services of a costly divorce attorney, you can

amicable divorce

Divorce Lawyers – How to Get a Peaceful Divorce Process

These are common processes utilized to settle legal disputes outside the traditional legal courtroom system. Some examples are Mediation, Amicable Divorce and Arbitration. Mediation: A non-legal process in which the parties decide to communicate and meet with an unbiased mediator, often without the advice of lawyers, to discuss their matter. The mediator makes impartial observation and attempts to speak objectively to both sides. This can assist in the amicable divorce.

divorce mediation

A Closer Look at Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is a professionally facilitated settlement procedure utilised most successfully and regularly by married couples wishing to divorce and by domestic partnerships who wish to separate. Divorce mediation involves a neutral third party who facilitates communications between the parties to the divorce and the opposing parties. The mediator assists the parties in overcoming their differences and coming to an agreement about their relationship and property. With the help of a professional divorce mediator,